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Sonny Tambe

Professor at NYU Stern School

Sonny Tambe is an Associate Professor of Information, Operations and Management Sciences (IOMS) at the NYU Stern School of Business.

His research focuses on the economics of technical skills–both in the IT labor force as well as the broader workforce. Much of his research analyzes emerging big data sources to measure labor market activity at new levels of detail, and he is broadly interested in how new data sources and large-scale analytics are impacting research and decision-making related to human resources management.

His research has been published or is forthcoming in a number of academic journals including Management Science, Information Systems Research, Communications of the ACM, and Information Economics and Policy and has been supported by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation. His research has won a number of awards, including the Best Published Paper in Information Systems Research in 2012, and runner up for the Best Published IS Paper in Management Science between 2011 and 2013. He is a co-author of “The Talent Equation: Big Data Lessons for Navigating the Skills Gap and Building a Competitive Workforce”, published by McGraw Hill in 2013. He currently serves on the editorial board of Information Systems Research.Sonny received his S.B. and M.Eng. in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and his Ph.D. in Managerial Science and Applied Economics from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania.

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