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London to Host MIT’s Digital Economy Experts on 10 April

March 17, 2015

There are still a few spots left to hear MIT IDE co-directors and authors of The Second Machine Age, Erik Brynjolfsson and Andrew McAfee, discuss new research on the digital economy. This event will be held Friday, April 10, at the Congress Centre and will introduce the IDE to supporters and the MIT alumni community in London. Erik will address Employment, Wage Equality and Skills of the Future, while Andy focuses on New Digital Business Models.

The conference (see agenda here) will highlight MIT’s role in understanding and shaping the increasingly digital economy and how digital technologies are transforming business, the economy and society.  Specifically, they’ll discuss why harnessing the exponential improvements in artificial intelligence, robotics, networks, analytics and digitization is a grand challenge — and how MIT is responding.

Offering additional insights will be Roberto Rigobon, Professor of Management and Applied Economics on the topic of Reshaping Economic Measurement, and visiting professor, Marshall Van Alstyne, who will discuss the new age of platform economics. Click here to register.

In case you missed last year’s event launching the IDE in New York City, watch some highlights of talks by Andrew McAfee and Erik Brynjolfsson on this video: